Friday, 8 June 2012


Howth is a popular summer home and golf destination about 20 minutes North of Dublin on the Dart, the coastal train. Amila and I went hiking around the islet on a sunny Sunday, enjoying views of the Irish Sea, the Wicklow Mountains, and about 30 different kinds of wildflowers in bloom. We sauntered through the Market that is held in town, buying a few gummy bears from a merchant, and walked out along the pier in the harbour, reading the names of all the boats, Amila’s favourite being:

When in Dublin, Howth is definitely an accessible day trip and a lovely coastal town worth visiting!

On our way back home, we ran into Mary and her friend, who proceeded to invite us over to cook dinner all together! So Judith, Amila and I went over later that evening for an Italian-style dinner consisting of pasta, salad and some nice wine!

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